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We are currently unable to take any referrals

Unfortunately, we are now at capacity and are no longer able to accept any new referrals.

If your query is urgent and a child or young person is in danger, please contact the duty social worker on 0208 314 6000 or 999.

Sign up to receive an email when we re-open referral applications

If you'd like to recieve a notification when we re-open the referral application, scroll down and fill in your details below.

If you do no wish to sign up for notifications, please do check our website or get in touch after April for any updates on the reopening of our service.

Other services available to young people

Please visit our Directory of Services for other support services, or see below alternative mentoring organisations:

ELOP- LGTBQ and Mental Health Service and Mentoring
Grandmentor’s Lewisham Mentoring Young People
Jigsaw – GC>
Metro’s Risk and Resilience Mentoring
SAYES Mentoring
XLP Mentoring
Spark2Life (Community Mentoring)

Please also find opening times for our Open Access Youth Provision which provides free informal education, fun, activities and much more for young people across Lewisham.