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The Outcome Star Method

Outcomes Stars are evidence-based tools designed to support positive change and greater wellbeing, with scales presented in a star shape and measured on a clearly defined ‘Journey of Change’. The Outcomes Star is completed as part of conversations between individuals and support practitioners such as key workers.

The method is an evidence-based tool that was first created by Triangle in 2003, since then each new Star has been carefully crafted to fit the needs of service users, keyworkers in specific sectors. It works because it is a unique outcomes measurement tool, which is designed to be used in collaboration with service users in an objective and fully integrated way. Using the Star enables keyworkers to work more effectively with service users.

Youth First will be using the Youth Star (left) and the Teen Star.

The Outcome Star is underpinned by three values – empowermentcollaboration and integration – which sets it apart from traditional approaches.

The values that inform the Outcomes Stars are similar to those of person-centredstrengths-based and co-production approaches: